Spotlight on Sam from GenM
This edition puts the spotlight on Sam Simister from our excellent and very inspiring Menopause partner GenM.
As many of you know, we recently launched The Solution Menopause range. While the team was working on developing and testing the products last year we were introduced to the amazing Sam Simister and Heather Jackson from GenM, who have been working tirelessly to make it easier for Menopausal women to find products that can help ease their symptoms.
At our last company conference, we had the pleasure of listening to Sam and we also took the opportunity to interview her.
Can you give us an elevator pitch of GenM?
GenM is a menopause partner for brands, and the home of the MTick, the world’s first menopause-friendly symbol for shopping. We exist to ignite retailers and brands, globally, to better understand, support and serve those in menopause, allowing them to search, source and shop menopause-friendly products.
How did it all start?
When working at Innocent I travelled overseas regularly when one time, I was hit by sudden anxiety along with other symptoms that soon developed that completely knocked me. Woefully unprepared, after some research, I realised that I was perimenopausal and started looking for products that could help me with dry skin, irregular periods, brittle hair however struggled to find products that could support, ease and relieve my symptoms. Frustration built to anger and I felt invisible. Heather and I met in London and I was sad to see that she too was struggling with more challenging symptoms than mine. Knowing one another for many years and as driven and solution focussed women, we decided to do something about it and knowing the importance of insight, started with a thorough piece of research to understand how other British women in midlife were feeling. The result was the Invisibility Report which with compelling data shining such a spotlight on the need for better support, it gave us the confidence to launch GenM with an open letter to brands in the Guardian in October 2021.
Can you tell us about your past as Head of Fruit?
My 18 years at Innocent was an incredible experience and one that that I feel both privileged and proud to have had. As a fast growing start up, opportunities for personal development were in abundance and one of my most enjoyable and stretching roles was Head of Fruit. Innocent has just started to explore the world for the best quality ingredients sourced in a sustainable way. The role involved recruiting some of the best talent in the industry and together with our ingredient partners, we led the way for sustainable sourcing and best practices whether working with a global Brazilian orange juice business or a small family run fruit farm in the UK and Europe.
What has surprised you the most learning about Menopause?
The lack of research into women’s health to date. The Menopause is a natural transition sometimes lasting for 15 years and affects 1 billion women globally. I see my generation of women as those raising awareness and, in some cases, testing the medical solutions offered to some.
You are pushing for Menopause Category Directors, why?
If you think about the number of symptoms (48) and the number of potential products to support, ease and relieve these sitting across many categories, you see the issue. Having cross-category menopause Directors accountable for driving awareness, education and visibility through signposting with the MTick will make a significant difference. I compare the vision to the Meal Deal Category. It was only when this category was developed that it became the British success story it is today.
If you only achieved one thing this year, what would it be?
If every brand placed the MTick on front of pack with a dedicated launch PR plan and webpage I would be very pleased.
Fast forward 5 years, where will GenM be?
GenM will be a global brand and M-tick will be as recognised as the vegan V, helping women to shop with visibility, trust and confidence. We would have implemented the UK blueprint in North America and across Europe with more regions in the pipeline.
Other than GenM, what is your "Claim to fame"?
A significant milestone was when I moved to New York with a one way ticket at 28 . Working for M&S at the time, this was a formative time both professionally and personally.
Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Broomfield, Essex. I have very fond memories of my childhood, it was brilliant.
An item you would never part with?
My attitude to material things has changed - probably family jewellery or photographs.
The#1 go to beauty product you can't be without?
I am quite simple when it comes to beauty products. I’ll pick my Dove body moisturiser.
Favourite book?
Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall. It helps you understand about global politics through maps and is really well written.
Do you have a favourite quote?
More of a favourite value from Innocent: “Be responsible”. It means that you leave things better than when you found them. This is very relevant for what we do at GenM.
Biggest challenge ahead for GenM?
When you are a fast growing, young business, it is challenging keeping on top of the due diligence and governance. However, it is not optional, so we have to be on it every day.
Final thoughts to conclude this interview?
In under 3 years I am incredibly proud of what we have achieved as a small team alongside our incredible Brand Partners that make up the GenM Collective. Brands that have joined us are both responsible and committed to driving the change that we all want to see and The Solution Menopause is an excellent example of one of these brands. No one brand can do it alone however through collaboration, together The GenM Collective will.
Thank you Sam for sharing with us!