36 Helping Hands for The Sea Cadets
Earlier this week, our marketing team headed over to The Sea Cadets in Feltham to help them paint their interior walls.
This amazing organisation, entirely run by volunteers, had their roof cave in before Christmas and the building was in a very poor state in general. They recently embarked on an extensive renovation and was in desperate need of volunteers to help them get the hut ready so they can welcome all the children and teenagers back.
Even though many of the Brand Architekts team members hadn't painted before, the work went swimmingly except for a phone that decided to take the plunge into a bucket of paint!! It was a great day spending time together outside of the office and also give back a bit to the community.
Thank you Chelsy and the team for having us!
About The Sea Cadets
The Sea Cadets in Feltham is the local branch of a nationwide organisation which is an off-shoot of The Royal Navy.
The Sea Cadet unit works with young people aged 9-18 offering them the opportunity to do a variety of activities from sailing, windsurfing and powerboating - to rock climbing, camping, and music.
There is also an opportunity to gain different qualifications. They are 100% run by volunteers with no paid staff on board. More about the Sea Cadets.